
Completion of at least 32 hours of graduate course work beyond the requirements for the M.A. degree. 20 hours must be in graduate-level courses in the major field, completed in the Slavic department. 12-16 hours must be in graduate-level courses in a minor field (three courses in a single area, or two courses each in two distinct areas) and may be completed outside the department.

Required courses
  • Slav 576 Methods in Grad Study (if not taken during M.A. program);
  • Four-semester sequence of survey courses on the 19th & 20-21st centuries (RUSS 511, 512, 513, 514, which may be taken out of chronological order), or equivalent thematic/author courses, as ap-proved by the DGS.
  • Any graduate-level course currently offered by the department (500-level, but 400-level may be substituted where appropriate)
  • SLAV 577 – Slavic Languages Pedagogy Seminar (2 credit hour course, when offered; students may take the course twice)
  • SLAV 591 – Professionalization Seminar (may be fulfilled by CWL 582: Proseminar; students may take the course twice)

By the end of their PhD coursework, students should have taken at least one course with each with the faculty in the program and gained the broadest possible perspective on the field, regardless of whether or not a given course falls within the student’s area of specialization or current research interest. This helps position you for a job in the field.