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Wright Wins Fulbright Scholar Fellowship

Professor Peter Wright has been selected as a 2023-24 Fulbright Scholar for Croatia. He will conduct research there in the Fall semester for his book project, entitled The Business of Solidarity. Fulbright Scholar Awards are prestigious and competitive fellowships that...

South Slavic Cultures

Exploration of South Slavic cultures in the historically rich and complex region sometimes referred to as "the Balkans," focusing particularly on those groups found within the successor states of the former Yugoslavia. Critical look at the traditional view of the region as the crossroads or the bridge between East and West, and at the term Balkanization which has become a pejorative term used to characterize fragmented, and self-defeating social systems.  

Vekich Scholar for 2019-20 Announced

The Slavic Department is pleased to announce the Vekich Scholar for 2019-20. Mason Conley was selected as this year's winner of the award, which supports study of South Slavic languages by providing textbook materials...

Vekich Scholar for 2018-19 Announced

The Vekich Scholar for 2018-19 was announced at the annual Slavic Students' Talent Show in April. Maria Kuo was selected as this year's winner of the award, which supports study of South Slavic languages by providing textbook materials and making...
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