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Your gift to the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures will have an immediate impact on our educational mission. It will:

  • Enable critical instruction in a number of Slavic languages.
  • Support programming and humanities education for our internationally-minded majors and minors.
  • Assist in the recruitment and retention of talented graduate students and faculty.

To make a gift, select the amount for the fund(s) you wish to support, then click the “Continue” button below. You will be directed to the University of Illinois Foundation’s secure online giving site for your personal and credit card information. To clear all inputs and selections click "Start over."

LAS Annual Fund for Slavic Languages and Literatures

Supports undergraduate education, scholarships, programming, and the overall strength of the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures.

Gift amount

Graduate Student Support in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

Supports the creation of a named fellowship for graduate study, graduate research, and graduate travel.

Gift amount

Dmytro Shtohryn Endowment in Ukrainian Studies

This fund is intended to benefit the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures and will be used to support lectures, symposia, conferences, or presentations in Ukrainian studies. This exciting development is made possible by a gift from Liuda Shtohryn, the daughter of our own former Professor Dmytro Shtohryn, and is intended to honor her father’s legacy and accomplishments in the field of Ukrainian studies.

Gift amount

Scott Maltby Memorial Fund

Scott K. Maltby was a second-year graduate student in our program who passed away unexpectedly of natural causes in February, 2015. His family established the endowed Scott K. Maltby Memorial Fund that will provide support for graduate students in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Annual awards are given to at least 2 graduate students in recognition of their program leadership and intent to work in academia, to support travel, research, and study expenses.

Gift amount
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