Contact Information
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Urbana, IL 61801
Highlighted Publications
Book Contributions
"A Tolstoyan Narratological Lesson: Teaching What Chekhov Learned." Approaches to Teaching Anton Chekhov, New York: MLA, 2016.
"Chekhov and Adaptation, with a Note on the Little Trilogy." Found in Translation: Transformation, Adaptation and Cross-Cultural Transfer, edited by Gretchko Valerij. Kobe and Belgrade: Kobe University and Belgrade University, 2016, p. 80-89.
"'Just Like an Ancient': Narcissus and Echo in Goncharov's Oblomov." New Perspectives in Reading 19th-Century Russian Literature, vol. 2, edited by Katalin Kroó, edited by Peeter Torop. Budapest and Tartu: Hungarian and Estonian Academies of Sciences, jointly, 2014, p. 268-90.
Edited Books
with Holquist, Michael. Approaches to Teaching the Works of Anton Chekhov. New York: MLA, 2016.
From Petersburg to Bloomington: Essays in Honor of Nina Perlina. Bloomington: Slavica Press, 2012.
with de Sherbinin, Julie. Chekhov the Immigrant: Translating a Cultural Icon, proceedings of October 2004 NEH symposium. Bloomington: Slavica Press, 2007.
with Blackwelll, S, Nina Perlina, and Ye. Vernkov. In Other Words: Studies to Honor Vadim Liapunov. vol. 11: Indiana Slavic Studies, 2000.
with Niekerk, Carl. One Hundred Years of Masochism: Literary Texts, Social and Cultural Contexts. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2000.
Journal Articles
"Repetition and Pil’niak’s Poetics of Trauma: 'Moist Mother Earth' ['Мать сыра земля']." Filologicheskie nauki, no. 3, 2014, p. 89-101.
"Of Interpretation and Stolen Kisses: From Poetics to Metapoetics in Chekhov's 'Potselui'." Acta Slavica Iaponica, 2011.
"The Agit - Flights of Viktor Shklovsky and Boris Pilnyak." FROM THE OTHER SHORE: Russian and East European Culture, Past and Present. 2010.
"The Seagull and the Symbolists." The Seagull: program for the Royal Shakespeare Company production of the play, The Courtyard Theatre; Stratford-Upon-Avon, April 2007-March 2008, 2008, p. 2 pp..
Seeing Chekhov: Life and Art. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2005.
Metapoesis: The Russian Tradition from Pushkin to Chekhov. Durham: Duke University Press, 1995.
Encyclopedia Entries
"Anton Chekhov." Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol. 277, Detroit: Gale, 2003.
Recent Publications
Finke, M. C., & Holquist, M. (Eds.) (2016). Approaches to Teaching the Works of Anton Chekhov. (Approaches to Teaching World Literature). Modern Language Association.
Finke, M. C. (2016). A Tolstoyan Narratological Lesson: Teaching What Chekhov Learned. In M. C. Finke, & M. Holquist (Eds.), Approaches to Teaching the Works of Anton Chekhov Modern Language Association.
Finke, M. C. (2016). Chekhov and Adaptation, with a Note on the Little Trilogy. In K. Tateoka, V. Gretchko, & Y. Kitamura (Eds.), Found in Translation: Transformation, Adaptation and Cross-Cultural Transfer (pp. 80-89). University of Belgrade.
Finke, M. C. (2014). Repetition and Pil’niak’s Poetics of Trauma: “Moist Mother Earth” (“Мать сыра земля”). Filologicheskie nauki, 2014(3), 89-101.
Bartle, J., Finke, M. C., & Liapunov, V. (Eds.) (2012). From Petersburg to Bloomington: Essays in Honor of Nina Perlina. (Indiana Slavic Studies; Vol. 18). Slavica Publishers. https://muse.jhu.edu/book/21806